AERCs Psychotherapy Blog Explores Anger and Addiction

Gloria Segovia is a registered psychotherapist in Toronto who pens an informative blog on the AERCs couples therapy and addiction counselling website. Her business journal delves into the many aspects of mental health counselling in Canada.  AERCs psychotherapy blog shares her own opinions and experience on mental health related issues as they appear in the press.

Gloria Segovia, AERCs

Gloria’s first blog post is titled, What is AERCs? and introduces her psychotherapy business and staff along with her own approach to counselling. Gloria uses the AERCs blog to explain how psychotherapy is primarily a talk-based therapy intended to help people improve and maintain their mental health. Registered Psychotherapists work with individuals, couples, and families in individual and group settings.

Getting technical, the practice of psychotherapy occurs when the Registered Psychotherapist (RP) and client enter into a psychotherapeutic relationship wherein they both work together to bring about positive change.  Individuals seek psychotherapy when they have disturbing thoughts, incontrollable feelings and sharp mood swings. All behaviour can be affected, especially those feelings that adversely affect people’s day-to-day lives, relationships, and their ability to enjoy life.

AERCs’ blog is meant to disarm readers and make them curious about therapy, or at the very least, answer some questions and possibly remove any fears or misapprehensions they may have about sharing their personal stories in a therapeutic setting. Getting professional help may be the best thing a sufferer can ever do, and yet it’s probably the last thing they’d ever do on their own and need encouragement of every kind. If people don’t have experience with therapy, it’s normal to feel hesitant. Nobody really wants to talk to strangers about their personal issues, or face their innermost demons, or travel any closer to their greatest emotional pain, but that’s the idea.  If sufferers don’t get counseling their discomfort will remain unchecked and grow worse over time.  AERCs’ blog sets out to illuminate these subjects for readers and engage and hopefully inspire anyone who navigates with an eye on getting counselling now or in the future.

Blogging with and about emotional intelligence.

Gloria’s first post discusses emotional intelligence, and begins by describing smooth operators who are calm under pressure. We all know people who are wonderfully self aware and yet mindful of others’ feelings. While they may seem superhuman, they probably also experience the same slings and arrows as everyone else, but instead of acting on their feelings they’ve developed coping strategies which allow them to self-regulate in difficult situations.

Gloria’s first post considers what it’s like to experience joy. It’s a wonderful feeling of great pleasure and happiness, and the true definition of joy goes beyond the limited explanation presented in a dictionary because it’s more than “a feeling a great pleasure and happiness.” True joy is a limitless, life-defining, transformative reservoir waiting to be tapped.

How AERCs’ Blog Treats Readers

Blog readers who have yet to experience therapy may not understand how counselling could be of any help. Why would anyone want to spend time talking about painful things with a stranger? This is a constant theme alongside the ability to receive suggestions and the will to make change.

AERCs blog combines professional insights and personal reflections from subject matter experts on multiple therapy-related topics, including therapy training, therapy and technology, family therapy, and couples therapy. Bloggers are all highly experienced professionals with a variety of specializations within education and psychology, and the combination of their diverse perspectives on this platform makes for varied, interesting reading. The posts are helpful because they’re filled with self-help methods and positive coping skills are essential for everyone to know. These methods can help you get through many difficulties on your own. But some conditions are too intense or complex to be managed with self-help.

brass tea kettle clock at AERCs OrangevilleA good blog is like a well timed treatment plan that specifies the dosage, schedule, and the duration of treatment. Sociocultural theories conceptualize repetition as a fundamental communication tactic operating at every level of language use, in every medium, including blogs.

There’s no substitute for a skilled counselor using evidence-based treatment methods. Registered psychotherapists and social workers are devoted to mitigating the pain, and quickening and improving the emotional recovery of Canadians who suffer from drug and alcohol addictions, and or who have mental health issues that prevent them from enjoying a healthy and productive life.

AERCs offers the people of Toronto and Orangeville a safe and compassionate space to be heard. Depending on the patient’s individual needs. This blog is intended to provide a review of new and upcoming trends in the therapy field, resources for career development, and an exploration of challenging issues within practice.

Written for her fellow therapists, certified social workers, and also for readers who have lost their way in society and who are looking for help, the AERCs blog is penned by Gloria Segovia, a registered psychotherapist who specializes in couples’ therapy and addiction counselling.